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Serving the Bay Area Community of Professional Photographers since 1949

Providing Education, Certification, Image Critique and Competition, and Peer-to-Peer Networking

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

PPSCV Member Lounge

The Member Lounge is our private Facebook group where PPSCV members discuss both photography and related business topics, share tips and techniques, get equipment recommendations, post images and ask for constructive suggestions, offer equipment for sale, seek assistance for shoots, and connect with other photographers.

The PPSCV Board also participates, so you can ask questions or make suggestions to them for future events.

Click PPSCV Member Lounge to join.  Not a PPSCV member? Click the Join Us tab at

Volunteers Power PPSCV

Non-profit volunteer organizations take a great deal of work behind the scenes to run smoothly and provide quality programs. PPSCV is fortunate to have an active board who meet monthly to plan our programs and they and many other members that contribute their time and energy to run the many events we provide. Volunteers also learn new skills, gain experience, and connect with other photographers, while serving the Bay Area photography community.

We welcome volunteers to help with projects big or small - if you have time and energy, please volunteer to help serve on one of our committees, such as:

  • Website Development,
  • Image Competition, 
  • Educational Program,
  • Marketing, and
  • Social events.
For more info, e-mail

Courageous Kids Day 2025

Courageous Kids Day is celebrating its 36th year this coming Mother's Day.
This amazing event, created by the American Cancer Society, provides “a day away from cancer” free of charge to young cancer patients and their families.

PPSCV seeks about 20 photographers to volunteer for this incredible event.
Whether you're a seasoned professional or a beginner, this is a very rewarding event. We group less experienced photographers with more experienced, so everyone is able to participate.

Most will be in teams of 3 or 4, taking professional family portraits, and a few will be doing candid photographs around the event venue.

To learn more: Courageous Kids Day

2025 Gala Dinner Slide Show

Here are photos from PPSCV's annual year-end and new year Gala dinner event, including awards, new board installation, great food, a photo exhibition, standard and 360 photo booths, and great conversations and camaraderie.
2025-01 Gala Dinner

Here are a few behind-the-scene images from our March shoot. (Thanks to Alicia Piva and Dorman Louie.)



Learn why a CPP certification is important for clients

#MemberBenefit       PPSCV Bay Area CPP Study Group 

For members interested in becoming certified by PPA.

The PPA Certified Professional Photographer program, or CPP, includes a written exam and practical photography submission designed to certify a level of technical knowledge and photographic competence increasing confidence in clients. 
Learn more here at PPA, or email our PPSCV CPP Liaison.

Join our CPP Study Group - Check the PPSCV Calendar and register for the next CPP Study Group meeting.

Not a PPA member yet? Join here.

PPSCV members who are Certified Professional Photographers:

 Armando Lay  Roberto Gonzalez  Rikke Truelsen  John Gayler
 Alicia Piva  Katie Scott  Mark Butler  

Note: to maintain your CPP status you need to be a current member of PPA, and recertify every 3 years by maintaining a number of continuing education credits. Join our study group to see what qualifies.
